Friday, June 18, 2010

What hairstyle did the Mohicans have?

The popular culture hairstyle of the punk rock era was the 'Mohican', shaved at the sides with the middle spiked up in the air, but was this really mohican?Seeing the film 'The last of the Mohicans', starring Daniel Day Lewis made me think hang on they have the long hair, should the hairstle mentioned not be Huron?

What hairstyle did the Mohicans have?

The Mohawk haircut was worn by the Mohawk tribe which is a different nation from the Mohicans. Check out the link below.

What hairstyle did the Mohicans have?

that call mohwak specialist hairstyler.. i guess

What hairstyle did the Mohicans have?

Your right, this hair style was used by the Hurons, and machokans not the mohicans Remember not all of these kind of films are historicaly accurate

What hairstyle did the Mohicans have?

Do you mean, for themselves or for their enemies ?

What hairstyle did the Mohicans have?

The main hairstyle of the mohicans was the 'mohican'. They also wore leather jackets with studs in them. Many of them asked you for spare change as you entered the forest. If you didnt give it to them they would call you 'scum'

According to Wikipedia, they needed the change to buy superglue for their mohicans although I find this idea suspect. Most likely they needed it to buy food which is far more useful then superglue

What hairstyle did the Mohicans have?

they had mohican's daniel day lewis as star would look like a muppet with a mohican so they let him ave long hair, film's aren't all true

What hairstyle did the Mohicans have?

a mohawk

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