I feel as if I'm an outcast. I mean, this is my first year of high school and all the girls have about short-medium length. Well, actually about to there shoulders with layers. And mine is a little past the middle of my back with long layers. And I'm the only girl with really long hair. I feel like an outcast because I don't have the same hairstyle as every other girl in my high school. I'm starting to feel unattractive because I don't have the same length as they do. Should I cut it off like them? What should I do? Why am I feeling like this?
I feel as if?
why feel like an outcast? if you like it, who cares what they think. also, if your hair is different, its unique and you should be proud of it. and i think you should keep it long, i wish i had longer hair.
I feel as if?
be yourself.
why do you want to be like someone else?
you're only giving in.
if you like your hair, keep it.
I feel as if?
If you think you look pretty with long hair, or better yet, if you just like long hair I think you should keep it. Peer pressure shouldn't stop you from doing what you want! If you think that your hair is too long, without you decision being affected by the other girls, you should cut it. If not, then leave your hair. It's what you want to do and it shouldn't be affected by other people.
I feel as if?
do you know how many people buy hair extensions? i used to have really long hair... and i cut it off because no one else did. and then later on in the year EVERYONE started trying to grow their hair out, and now i can't get mine back to the way it was before.
plus, you can do alot more with long hair. try fixing your hair in a way that girls with shorter hair can't do. that way you will be different in a good way.
I feel as if?
Noooooooooooooooooo you should keep your long hair. I think you'll look good with long hair. It would be as uf your blonde and everyone else it brunette. Would you dye you hair?? NO! Act different to them. I think your pretty. If they say ewww your hair is so ugly. Then be like at least i'm not like everyone else here.
Good Luck!!!!!
I feel as if?
well, that is a little long. If you like your long hair, keep it, but maybe you should cut it till like five inches under your shoulder, still pretty long but not very long? if your hair bothers you, go get a haircut, not a big deal. Just if i were you i wouldnt layer it or get bangs or anything, just get a trim and make it like six inches shorter. Or, if you want a drastic change, ask the hairdresser about donating your hair to make wigs for cancer patients. If you are cutting off twelve inches or more, you should donate it. dont do it to fit in, do it to make urself look pretty and also its much more comfortable, lol! good luck!
I feel as if?
that just happens to be an awkward year for all girls your age. If you dont look like everybody else you feel like you should try to change to be like them but you really shouldn't. I bet that the girls that all ran and got their hair cut off at the same time saw your and was like "Man I wish my hair was that long again!!" if your hair is longer its able to do more things when it comes to styling and lets face it long hair is timeless if you have good styling sense and take good care of it - it will always be in style, short hair will come and go. Don't strive to be like everyone else you have to set yourself apart and being yourself will let that come naturally! Good Luck enjoy the rest of the school year!
I feel as if?
It sounds like you have more personal issues than just with your hair. Why would you want to conform? That's just a cop-out for not having a personality.
When I was in high school, I had a short, sassy 'do. My hair was so cute. All of the preppy girls had the same boring Jennifer Antison haircut. If anything you should feel gorgeous because you don't look exactly the same as the rest of the girls.
Oh, I almost forgot: NO, you should not cut your hair like everyone else's. That would be B-O-R-I-N-G!
I feel as if?
uhhh its just hair
I feel as if?
You could perhaps you a little trim, but not cut all the way as short as theirs! Short hair, in my opinion is very ugly!
I feel as if?
it's good to have a different style...trust me...u don't want 2 look like everyone else! show your originality!! i think that if u like the way your hair looks then keep it! hey, maybe those girls are wishing that their hair is longer! some ppl look good with long hair but others can't get away with it...maybe long hair is the right style for u! but if u really want it shorter, then get it cut a little so that way it's not too short and you'll know if u want it shorter or not.
I feel as if?
dont be a copy be a orginal un other words be your self and if you want guys attention FLIRT
I feel as if?
if you feel this way, then yes you should cut it. but dont let it bother you. i mean, i think youre kinda making a big deal of this.
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