Sunday, November 29, 2009

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

i just want to want know about what i should tell my sister. she was at church and we go to this really legalistic church that follows rules strictly. she's 14 years old. she was sitting and reading the bible and then the preacher who is an elderly man, did not like her hairstyle (The hair style is extremely typical nothing absurd or outrageous about it, no punk design, no hair dye, she has long bangs that she tucks behind her hair) started talking about how bangs are bad and the forhead has to be shown. well, my parents beat her up pretty badly. what good defenses can i have? something like, looks don't matter to God. bible verse will be very appreciated.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

Your parents beat her up? Oh well, I suppose it could be worse. They could have stoned her according to the bible.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

"beat her up pretty badly"? Call the cops.

Btw, God doesn't care what you wear as long as you show up :)

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

Wow, are you serious? That's pretty messed up. I'm pretty sure nowhere in the bible does it say that certain hairstyles are forbidden. Personally, I'd ask for the verse where it says that.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

your parents beat her? forget bangs that's a bigger issuse.

I'd advise showing love not a fist.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

I feel so sorry for your sister. Bless her heart.........she has to be abused by all that mess. I hope that one day she will be free of that corruption to decide for herself what path to take.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

Interesting. That's just sad. I wonder where God was.

Sorry, but you don't need Bible verses. You need to tell them this is ridiculous.Although...maybe to make them listen Bible verses would be good. Google "Bible Verses+ Clothing" or such. Or ask your parents for the verse that justifies their actions. I do not believe their is a dress code in the Bible.

Good luck, and Godspeed.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

The Bible says that "Man looks on the outside, but God looks at the heart." People are judged by appearance and dress, but such things are not important to God. He is concerned with the true self, what the person is like on the inside.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

I have a friend who is a pastor at a church, and he wears jeans and T-shirts to Sunday service. People at his church don't judge others by the shine on their shoes.


If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

Unfortunately, your sis is in a rough spot. She needs an outlet that you can not provide if you have not embraced Christianity. For if you had, and you belonged to another Church that taught the Word of God, you would be able to rescue her and possibly your family as well from a strict legalistic variant of Christianity. The best thing that you can do at this pont is to pray for them to see the error of their ways, find a Bible believing Church, and talk to a Pastor about the situation one on one.

At any case, encourage your sis to obey your parents, at 14, she has but 4 years to go or less for freedom to make her own path.

Some people need legalism to live right. It's not a bad trade if you excape hell.

But, no it doesn't take all of that.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

That pastor is violating scripture by imposing that which is not written or cited as being "law". If you approach it from that point of view, you have quite a bit of scripture. Look at how Paul deals with those who try to put the gentiles under a yoke of bondage to the law.

Can you imagine how this "church" (I say that rolling my eyes) would behave if someone like John the Baptist walked in? Yet Jesus said, that of all those born of women, there was none greater than John. But he would be thrown out of many of these uptight congregations.

I have been affiliated 35 years with a non-denominational church (now worldwide) called Calvary Chapel. Do you know how they began? They allowed the hippies on the streets a place to go to church. Something other churches were not allowing. Can you imagine what their attire and hair was like?

My advice. Rather than look for scriptures on which to argue with a church that is more concerned with the outer appearance rather than the inner heart. You and your sister should just dig into the Word of God and do a New Testament word study on "freedom" and see what the Lord shows you.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

EXCUSE ME?......

First off,



Your sister did nothing wrong, She dressed how she felt comfortable. The preacher was the one out of line. Maybe he's some kind of pervert and likes to see little girls dressed a certian way.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

When the Bible refers to hair what its saying is that women should look like women and men should look like men. You need to find a church that preaches what God's Word says and not what man says God said.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

Try Galatians 2:16-21, it states it is impossible to serve the the law and serve Christ.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

It's a shame that a young girl would be put down and beaten (???!!!) because of an average everyday hairstyle.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

and Jesus said, "suffer the little children to come to me", it doesn't say their parents brushed their hair, wiped their noses and washed their hands before he would meet with them, he gladly opened his arms and welcomed them as his spiritual children. Jesus, and therefore God has a come- as- you- are policy, willing believers with an open heart. Everyone is welcome, no matter what they look like or the condition of their clothing. I have a Student's life application's Bible and it says For disagreeing with parents read Ephesians 6.

for help in Getting along with parents read Colossians 4. Colossians 2 My Christian Maturity.

Not getting along with mom read Luke 4. Trusting that God is in control Psalm 56. Made in the image of God read Psalm 7

God can help you do his will Phillippians 3.

If they still trust your sister, and they believe her faith isn't fake then why would they side with this man who's not a relative right(?), and you probably don't socialize with him often anyhow.

What happended to allowing one's own individuality as long as it is not disrespectful? Does that go out the window just because a "proper" hairstyle to a much older man isn't what's fashionable now? What happened to supporting your children's choices? B4 they left home that morning I only assume they knew how she looked and weren't upset by it until he said something. do they always let other people dictate what goes on in your house??

I hope the scripture help some. Pray about it and maybe they will come around to your sister's side instead of chastizing her for being herself...a dangerous thing to do in a young person who's trying to fashion a grown-up personality for herself to begin with.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

I found this for you. I would wonder how your mother dresses? How expensive was the clothing of the original complainer?

1 Timothy 2: 9 I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.

I hope this helps your sister and you might find a way to tell the parents that at 14 years old it is THEIR responsibility to make sure she was clothed as they believe is fit to honor God. So they should apologize to your sister and discuss what they believe it means to honor God.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

1 Corinthians 11:14 - Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

1 Corinthians 11:15 - But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

If the pastor starts preaching about apperance..........?

This answer is very much in line with crimthann69's answer. The idea behind the verse in I Timothy that admonishes excessive adornment, elaborate hairstyles and lavish garments was meant to keep women from distracting men from worship of God or temptations of lust.

There are also some passages in Corinthians that refers to women keeping their heads covered during prayer; however, such passages do not seem to be the concern of this particular preacher.

There are NO passages stating that a woman's forehead must be visible. From what you've said, I would guess that the pastor's understanding of Holy Scripture has been muddled by his own preferences. He needs to be reminded that the church he "leads" is not his, but God's alone.

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