Friday, June 18, 2010

If the Shroud of Turin is real?

then Jesus had long hair.

So why does Paul condemn men who wear long hair and say that is goes against God and nature?

You can't expect to get a promotion if you diss the boss's hairstyle.

(methinks it is a fake)

If the Shroud of Turin is real?

It has been pr oven a fake. the Romans had lots of fakes.

If the Shroud of Turin is real?

Lol Yea :-P

If the Shroud of Turin is real?

Well, we basically know from historic facts that Jesus had long hair.

Where does it say that "men who wear long hair" will be condemned?

If the Shroud of Turin is real?

Good Question...but you lost your credibilty

If the Shroud of Turin is real?

Man G, you really spend a lot of time knocking God, can't you devote that energy to helping starving children, nature ravaged countries, the homeless, the disenfranchised? A man of your talent could be doing something so much more meaningful.

By the way, I also believe the shroud is something other than what it is claimed to be.

If the Shroud of Turin is real?

I think I saw a doobie between two fingers, also.

If the Shroud of Turin is real?

it looks like it is trying waaaay to hard to look like jesus, I think it's a sham too.

If the Shroud of Turin is real?

Paul was homophobic and a right winged nut job!

If the Shroud of Turin is real?

It's been proven to be a fake.

But you're right about the hair thing

If the Shroud of Turin is real?

And I suppose you've studied the shroud in detail for many, many years. You probably think you know more about it then the scientists that have actually studied it.

And you people say Christians will believe anything. Man, half of this answers are like the blind leading the blind.

"As we conclude this overview of the controversial evidence about the Shroud of Turin, we are left with several distinct possibilities. First, no one had conclusively shown how an unknown medieval artist could possibly produce such an astonishingly accurate image of a crucified man. It appears that such work of art would be far beyond the capabilities of any modern artist, let alone a medieval one. Second, despite tens of thousands of hours of testing and lab work, no one has found conclusive proof that the Shroud is a fraud. Third, many items evidence-including the limestone dirt from the heel area, the human blood, the images of Jerusalem plants, and ancient Roman coin of Pilate, and the pollen from the Jerusalem area of Israel-combine to make a powerful argument that, at the very least, the Shroud must be a genuine, ancient burial cloth from Israel. Moreover, the remarkable concurrence of details found in the Shroud image that reveal the medical and pathological characteristics of a crucified man, together with the unique history of what happened to Jesus of Nazareth during His crucifixion, provide powerful evidence that the burial cloth is His.

If the Shroud of Turin is real?

It is definitely a fake. The burial cloth that Jesus was buried in had a head piece that only covered His head (John 20:7). And since the custom of the day was for men to have short hair and since Jesus worked His way through crowds that wanted to stone Him, without them catching Him, it is likely that He also had short hair. He was a Nazarene, meaning from Nazareth. He was not a Nazarite. A Nazarite could not cut his hair (Numbers 6:5). A Nazarene could cut his hair. Jesus didn't have a beard either by the time they got done crucifying Him because they plucked it out. At least, that's what I've always been taught but I'm not sure where you would find the part about the beard in Scripture. It would explain why some people didn't recognize Him after He rose when they first saw Him.

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